Source code for databay.planners.schedule_planner

.. seealso::
    * :ref:`Scheduling <scheduling>` to learn more about scheduling in Databay.
    * :any:`BasePlanner` for the remaining interface of this planner.

import logging
import threading
import time
import warnings
from concurrent import futures
from typing import List, Union

import schedule

from databay.base_planner import BasePlanner
from databay import Link

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger('databay.SchedulePlanner')

[docs]class ScheduleIntervalError(Exception): """ Raised when link interval is smaller than the Schedule refresh interval.""" pass
[docs]class SchedulePlanner(BasePlanner): """ Planner implementing scheduling using Schedule_. Scheduling sets the :class:`Schedule's Job <schedule.Job>` as links' job. .. _Schedule: """ def __init__(self, links: Union[Link, List[Link]] = None, threads: int = 30, refresh_interval: float = 1.0, ignore_exceptions: bool = False, catch_exceptions: bool = None, immediate_transfer: bool = True): """ :type links: :any:`Link` or list[:any:`Link`] :param links: Links that should be added and scheduled. |default| :code:`None` :type threads: :class:`int` :param threads: Number of threads to use. |default| :code:`30` :type refresh_interval: :class:`float` :param refresh_interval: Frequency at which this planner will scan over its links and attempt to update them if necessary. Note that adding links with intervals smaller than this value will raise a :any:`ScheduleIntervalError`. |default| :code:`1.0` :type ignore_exceptions: :class:`bool` :param ignore_exceptions: Whether exceptions should be ignored, or halt the planner. |default| :code:`False` :type immediate_transfer: :class:`bool` :param immediate_transfer: Whether planner should execute one transfer immediately upon starting. |default| :code:`True` """ self._refresh_interval = refresh_interval super().__init__(links=links, ignore_exceptions=ignore_exceptions, immediate_transfer=immediate_transfer) self._running = False self._threads = threads self._thread_pool = None self._exc_info = [] self._exc_lock = threading.Lock() if catch_exceptions is not None: # pragma: no cover self._ignore_exceptions = catch_exceptions warnings.warn( '\'catch_exceptions\' was renamed to \'ignore_exceptions\' in version 0.2.0 and will be permanently changed in version 1.0.0', DeprecationWarning) @property
[docs] def refresh_interval(self) -> float: """ Frequency at which this planner will scan over its links and attempt to update them if necessary. Note that adding links with interval smaller than this value will raise a :any:`ScheduleIntervalError`. :return: Refresh interval frequency. :rtype: float """ return self._refresh_interval
def _create_thread_pool(self): """ Create a new thread pool. """ self._thread_pool = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=self._threads) def _destroy_thread_pool(self, wait: bool = True): """ Destroy the existing thread pool if one exists. :type wait: bool :param wait: whether to wait for the existing thread pool to shut down. """ if self._thread_pool is not None: self._thread_pool.shutdown(wait=wait) self._thread_pool = None def _try_job(self, link): try: link.transfer() except: import sys with self._exc_lock: self._exc_info.append((sys.exc_info(), link)) def _run_job(self, link): self._thread_pool.submit(self._try_job, link) def _schedule(self, link: Link): """ Schedule a link, setting a :class:`schedule.Job` as this link's job. :type link: :any:`Link` :param link: Link to be scheduled :raises: :class:`ScheduleIntervalError` if link's interval is smaller than the :any:`refresh interval`. """ if link.interval.total_seconds() < self._refresh_interval: raise ScheduleIntervalError( f'Link interval must be greater than or equal to refresh interval. Link interval: {link.interval.total_seconds()}s, Refresh interval: {self._refresh_interval}s') job = schedule.every(link.interval.total_seconds() ), link) link.set_job(job) def _unschedule(self, link): """ Unschedule a link. :type link: :any:`Link` :param link: Link to be unscheduled """ if link.job is not None: schedule.cancel_job(link.job) link.set_job(None)
[docs] def start(self): """ Start this planner. Links will start being scheduled based on their intervals after calling this method. Creates a new thread pool if one doesn't already exist. See :ref:`Start and Shutdown <start_shutdown>` to learn more about starting and shutdown. """ super().start()
def _start_planner(self): if self._running: #pragma: no cover return self._running = True if self._thread_pool is None: self._create_thread_pool() while self._running: schedule.run_pending() # handle exceptions raised by threads if len(self._exc_info) > 0: with self._exc_lock: for exc_info in self._exc_info: self._on_exception(exc_info[0][1]) self._exc_info = [] # TODO: adjust interval to avoid drift - look how APS does it in BlockingScheduler time.sleep(self._refresh_interval)
[docs] def shutdown(self, wait: bool = True): """ Stop this planner. Links will stop being scheduled after calling this method See :ref:`Start and Shutdown <start_shutdown>` to learn more about starting and shutdown. :type wait: bool :param wait: Whether to wait until all currently executing jobs have finished. |default| :code:`True` """ super().shutdown(wait)
def _shutdown_planner(self, wait: bool = True): self._running = False self._destroy_thread_pool(wait=wait) @property
[docs] def running(self): # pragma: no cover """ Whether this planner is currently running. If there are links transferring this may be set before all transfers are complete. Changed by calls to :any:`start` and :any:`shutdown`. :return: State of this planner :rtype: bool """ return self._running
def __repr__(self): return 'SchedulePlanner(threads:%s, refresh_interval:%s)' \ % (self._threads, self.refresh_interval)