Source code for databay.outlets.mongo_outlet

.. warning::
    :any:`MongoOutlet` requires `PyMongo <>`_ to function. Please install required dependencies using:

    .. code-block:: python

        pip install "databay[MongoOutlet]"

import functools
import logging
from typing import List

import pymongo

from databay.outlet import Outlet, MetadataKey
from databay import Record

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger('databay.MongoOutlet')

[docs]class MongoCollectionNotFound(Exception): """ Raised when requested collection does not exist in the database.""" pass
[docs]def ensure_connection(fn): """ Ensure the MongoDB connection is established before running the function. :type fn: :any:`Callable <typing.Callable>` :param fn: Function to decorate """ @functools.wraps(fn) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if self._db is None: self.connect() # raise RuntimeError('Database is not connected') return fn(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]class MongoOutlet(Outlet): """ Outlet for pushing data into a MongoDB instance. Pushes are executed synchronously. """
""" Name of collection to write to. """ def __init__(self, database_name: str = 'databay', collection: str = 'default_collection', host: str = None, port: str = None, *args, **kwargs): """ :type database_name: str :param database_name: Name of the MongoDB database to write to. |default| :code:`'databay'` :type collection: str :param collection: Global name of the collection to write to. This can be overwritten by records' metadata.MONGODB_COLLECTION parameter. |default| :code:`'default_collection'` :type host: str :param host: Address of MongoDB host. |default| :code:`None` (PyMongo defaults to :code:`'localhost'`) :type port: int :param port: Port of the MongoDB host. |default| :code:`None` (PyMongo defaults to :code:`27017`) """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = host self.port = port self.database_name = database_name self.collection = collection self._client = None self._db = None # _db == None means disconnected self._collections = [] def _group_by_collection(self, records: List[Record]): """ Group the provided records by the collection name specified in each record's metadata. Global collection provided on construction is used if no collection is specified. :type records: list[:any:`Record`] :param records: Records to be grouped :return: Grouped records :rtype: Dict[str, :any:`Record`] """ collections = {} for record in records: collection_name = record.metadata.get( self.MONGODB_COLLECTION, self.collection) if collection_name not in collections: collections[collection_name] = [] if isinstance(record.payload, list): collections[collection_name] += record.payload else: collections[collection_name].append(record.payload) return collections @ensure_connection
[docs] def push(self, records: [Record], update): """ |decorated| :any:`ensure_connection` Write records into the database. Writes are executed synchronously. :type records: list[:any:`Record`] :param records: List of records generated by inlets. Each top-level element of this array corresponds to one inlet that successfully returned data. Note that inlets could return arrays too, making this a nested array. :type update: :any:`Update` :param update: Update object representing the particular Link transfer. """ # Make sure no writes happen before start and after shutdown. if not return False records_by_collections = self._group_by_collection(records) for collection_name, collection_records in records_by_collections.items(): try: collection = self._get_collection(collection_name) except MongoCollectionNotFound: self._add_collection(collection_name) collection = self._get_collection(collection_name)'{update} insert {collection_records}') collection.insert_many(collection_records)'{update} written {collection_records}') return True
[docs] def connect(self, database_name: str = None) -> bool: """ Connect to the specified database. Returns True if already connected to the specified database. Disconnects from any existing databases if the specified database is different. :type database_name: str :param database_name: Name of the database to connect to. |default| :code:`None` (Connects to default database name if not specified`) :return: Returns True if already connected to the database specified. :rtype: bool """ if database_name is None: database_name = self.database_name if self._client is not None and self._db is not None: if == database_name: return True else: self.disconnect() self._client = pymongo.MongoClient(, port=self.port) self._db = self._client[database_name] return False
[docs] def disconnect(self): """ Disconnect from the database if currently connected. """ if self._client is not None: self._client.close() self._client = None if self._db is not None: self._db = None
[docs] def on_start(self): """ Connect to the MongoDB host on start. """ self.connect()
[docs] def on_shutdown(self): """ Disconnect from the MongoDB host on shutdown. """ self.disconnect()
def _get_collection(self, collection: str): """ Get a collection from the database. :type collection: str :param collection: Collection to acquire from the database. :rises: :any:`MongoCollectionNotFound` if collection is not found in the database. :return: Retrieved collection :rtype: PyMongo Collection """ if str(collection) not in self._collections: self._collections = self._db.list_collection_names() if str(collection) not in self._collections: raise MongoCollectionNotFound( 'Collection called "%s" not found. Please create the collection first using add_collection(). Existing collection are: %s' % (collection, self._collections)) return self._db[str(collection)] @ensure_connection def _add_collection(self, collection: str): """ |decorated| :any:`ensure_connection` Add a collection to the database. :type collection: str :param collection: Collection name to add """ self._db.create_collection(str(collection))