Source code for databay.inlet

.. seealso::

    * :ref:`Extending Inlets <extending_inlets>` to learn how to extend this class correctly.
    * :any:`Outlet` representing the corresponding output of the data stream.

import asyncio
import threading
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import List

from databay import Record
import databay as da

[docs]class Inlet(ABC): """ Abstract class representing an input of the data stream. """ def __init__(self, metadata: dict = None): """ :type metadata: dict :param metadata: Global metadata that will be attached to each record generated by this inlet. It can be overridden or appended to by providing metadata when creating a record using :py:func:`new_record` function. |default| :code:`None` """ self._metadata = metadata if metadata is not None else {} self._active = False self._uses_coroutine = asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(self.pull) self._thread_lock = threading.Lock() @property
[docs] def metadata(self): """ Global metadata that will be attached to each record generated by this inlet. It can be overridden or appended to by providing metadata when creating a record using :py:func:`new_record` function. :returns: Metadata dictionary. :rtype: dict """ return self._metadata
async def _pull(self, update: 'da.Update'): if self._uses_coroutine: data = await self.pull(update) else: data = self.pull(update) if not isinstance(data, list): data = [data] if data and not isinstance(data[0], Record): for i in range(len(data)): entry = data[i] if not isinstance(entry, Record): data[i] = self.new_record(payload=entry) return data @abstractmethod
[docs] def pull(self, update: 'da.Update') -> List[Record]: """ Produce new data. Override this method to define how this inlet will produce new data. :type update: :any:`Update` :param update: Update object representing the particular Link update run. :return: List of records produced :rtype: list[:any:`Record`] """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def new_record(self, payload, metadata: dict = None) -> Record: """ Create a new :any:`Record`. This should be the preferred way of creating new records. :type payload: Any :param payload: Data produced by this inlet. :type metadata: dict :param metadata: Local metadata that will override and/or append to the global metadata. It will be attached to the new record. |default| :code:`None` :returns: New record created :rtype: :any:`Record` """ full_metadata = {**self._metadata, ** (metadata if metadata is not None else {})} full_metadata['__inlet__'] = str(self) return Record(payload=payload, metadata=full_metadata)
[docs] def try_start(self): """ Wrapper around on_start call that will ensure it only gets executed once. """ """ This is a tricky situation we're trying to protect against, and as such this may be redundant. The way this is constructed anticipates the on* callback to take very long time, and it prevents multiple threads being held waiting for the _thread_lock being released. It is questionable whether this function could be called by multiple threads in first place. An inlet or outlet would have to be added to multiple links, which in turn would need to be added to multiple Planners, all of which would need to request start or shutdown at the same time. Still given how GIL is handled when threading, the race condition may never actually occur. We're keeping this logic for now, as it doesn't really waste resources and doesn't inflate complexity in any way, while theoretically should protect against callback race conditions, even ones we may not yet be aware of. """ allow_run_on_start = False with self._thread_lock: if not self._active: self._active = True allow_run_on_start = True if allow_run_on_start: self.on_start()
[docs] def on_start(self): """ Called once per inlet just before the governing planner is about to start. Override this method to provide starting functionality on this inlet. """ pass
[docs] def try_shutdown(self): """ Wrapper around on_shutdown call that will ensure it only gets executed once. """ """ This is a tricky situation we're trying to protect against, and as such this may be redundant. The way this is constructed anticipates the on* callback to take very long time, and it prevents multiple threads being held waiting for the _thread_lock being released. It is questionable whether this function could be called by multiple threads in first place. An inlet or outlet would have to be added to multiple links, which in turn would need to be added to multiple Planners, all of which would need to request start or shutdown at the same time. Still given how GIL is handled when threading, the race condition may never actually occur. We're keeping this logic for now, as it doesn't really waste resources and doesn't inflate complexity in any way, while theoretically should protect against callback race conditions, even ones we may not yet be aware of. """ allow_run_on_shutdown = False with self._thread_lock: if self._active: self._active = False allow_run_on_shutdown = True if allow_run_on_shutdown: self.on_shutdown()
[docs] def on_shutdown(self): """ Called once per inlet just after the governing planner has shutdown. Override this method to provide shutdown functionality on this inlet. """ pass
[docs] def active(self): """ Whether this inlet is active and ready to pull. This variable is set by the governing link to :code:`True` on start and to :code:`False` on shutdown. |default| :code:`False` :rtype: bool """ return self._active
def __repr__(self): s = "%s(" % (self.__class__.__name__) if self.metadata: s += 'metadata=%s' % self.metadata s += ')' return s