Source code for databay.inlets.random_int_inlet

import random

from databay import Inlet

[docs]class RandomIntInlet(Inlet): # pragma: no cover """ Inlet that will generate a random integer within the specified range. """ def __init__(self, min: int = 0, max: int = 100, *args, **kwargs): """ :param min: Lower boundary of the random range. :type min: int :param max: Upper boundary of the random range. :type max: int """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.min = min self.max = max
[docs] def pull(self, update): """ Produces a random integer within the specified range. :type update: :any:`Update` :param update: Update object representing the particular Link update run. :return: Single or multiple records produced. :rtype: :any:`Record` or list[:any:`Record`] """ return random.randint(self.min, self.max)